Ayudas»inmersión lingüística» 2º Bachillerato

Se ha publicado el Extracto de la Resolución de 9 de diciembre de 2016 por la que se convocan 14.000 ayudas para participar en cursos de inmersión en lengua inglesa organizados por la Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo, destinadas al alumnado universitario,  de

2º de Bachillerato, de FP Grado Superior, de Enseñanzas Artísticas Superiores y de otros estudios superiores.

Pueden obtener más información en el siguiente enlace:


 Ayudas Inmersión Lingüística


Plazo de presentación de solicitudes: hasta el 16 de febrero de 2017.


– See more at: http://lnx.educacionenmalaga.es/bilinguismo/2017/01/25/ayudas-inmersion-linguistica-2o-bachillerato-fp-grado-superior-eas-universidad-y-otros-estudios-superiores/#sthash.ReYs5fi9.dpu



What is the origin of universe? Will it have an end? Is there life (or anything) after death? What is the meaning of life? Why am I who I am and what makes me different from others? Why do I have to obey the rules? If you have ever asked yourself some or many of these questions, then philosophy is not a strange thing for you. In fact, despite its dark reputation, humans have always asked themselves philosophical questions.

Nonetheless, it’s not easy to say exactly what philosophy is, and so there are a lot of different definitions for the word philosophy. This is due to the fact that philosophy not only questions any generally accepted truth, but also itself. Thus, we can say that philosophy deals with questions that other disciplines cannot answer, questions like ‘what is the meaning of life?’, ‘what is the origin of everything?’ or ‘do similar objects share a common essence?’ Another definition would be: philosophy is the science of sciences, the origin of all scientific thought and that which guarantees its reliability. For others, philosophy is simply a critical attitude that questions our way of knowing things and also what we know about them.




Curso de Arduino)

CURSO ARDUINO pinchar aquí

Ada Lovelace. La primera persona en realizar un programa de ordenador

Arduino es un sistema, no una sola placa. Es una plataforma de hardware libre, basada en una placa con un microcontrolador y un entorno de desarrollo (IDE, Integrated Development Environment), diseñada para facilitar el uso de la electrónica en proyectos multidisciplinares.

Manual de Programación de Arduino

  1. Estructura de un Sketch
  2. Variables en Arduino
  3. Tipos de Datos
  4. Operadores matemáticos I
  5. Constantes en Arduino
  6. Control de flujo I – if, if…else y for
  7. Control de flujo II – while, do…while, break y continuo

Sketch. Programa

Un sketch es un programa, listo para ser leído por el IDE o Entorno de Programación de Arduino (Integrated Development Environment). Un sketch se compone al menos de dos partes:

  • void setup()
    se ejecuta una sola vez cuando comienza el programa.
  • void loop()
    se ejecuta de forma ininterrumpida, una y otra vez.

Las llaves { } y el punto y coma ;

Las llaves { } delimitan bloques de código como funciones, sentencias if…etc, marcando el comienzo y el fin del mismo. Toda llave de apertura ha de tener una llave de cierre de forma balanceada. Mientras editamos el código en el IDE de Arduino, si situamos el cursor justo después de una llave de apertura {, veremos resaltada la llave de cierre } asignada a la misma, permitiéndonos comprobar si lo que hemos escrito es realmente lo que hemos querido escribir.

Por su parte, el punto y coma se emplea para poner fin a una declaración, o limitar los distintos elementos que constituyen un bucle for. El olvido del punto y coma es uno de los errores que más se repiten cuando se está empezando a programar.


Existen dos tipos de comentarios, los de una línea y los de varias líneas:

   Los comentarios de una sóla línea han de comenzar por //, y duran hasta que se encuentra un retorno de carro.

// Esto es un comentario de una línea

Los comentarios de varias líneas o bloques de comentarios han de estar delimintados por /* al comienzo y por */ al final. Dentro de un bloque de comentarios no se puede especificar otro bloque de comentarios, pues éste acaba cuando se percibe el primer símbolo de cierre */.


Esto es un comentario,

 que puede ser de varias líneas


And the winner is…….

We would like to thank all the students who have participated in  our first Plurilingual Christmas Carol Competition. There have been many wonderful cards and the jury has found it very difficult to decide on the two best ones. Both content and creativity have been taken into consideration, and finally we have decided to award three of them. The first prize has been awarded to two beautiful twin sisters Marta and Paula Cañamero Díaz from 1ESO D and the second prize has been for Ksenia Myakisheva, a student from 1ESO C.

The winning cards will be exhibitted in the hall of the school until the end of the term.

Congratulation to the three winners and thank you to all the participants and their teachers who have encouraged them to go for it.

Obituary to Leonard Cohen

On November 7, one of the most relevant and influential singers of the 20th century died.

Leonard Cohen was born on September 21 (1934), he was a Canadian singer, songwriter, poet, novelist, and painter.

His work mostly explored religion, politics, isolation sexuality and personal relationships.

He received a lot of awards like for example: Prince of Asturias in 2011.

Leonard Cohen pursued a career as a poet and novelist during the 1950s and early 1960s, and did not launch a music career until 1967, at the age of 33 years.

His first album, Songs of Leonard Cohen (1967), was followed by three more albums of folk music: “Song from a Room”, “Songs of love and hate” and “New Skin for the old ceremony”.

In 1979 Cohen returned with more traditional songs, which blended his acoustic style witch Jazz and Oriental Mediterranean influences, Hallelujah one of his most famous song was released in 1984.

The album “I’m your man” in 1988 was his most popular one.

Some of the most important songs include: “Dance me to the end of love”, “Suzanne”, “Every body knows”, “First we take Manhattan”, “Take the waltz”.

Cohen died on November 7, 2016 at the age of 82 at his home in Los Angeles; cancer was a contributing cause.

As a tribute to his contribution to art music and poetry we would like to finish with videos of two of his songs, we really like.

We hope you enjoy them.

Andrea Pérez Rivas

Niso Abecasis Barchilón



Christmas Activities


Attached you have:

  • Three video advertisement- Marks and Spencer, Heathrow Airport and Sainsbury´s about Mog the Cat.
  • The cut outs for the ordering the film activity, although I´ll leave these in culture folder in the English office.
  • The activity sheet for Mog´s Christmas Calamity.
  • Lesson instruction pdf, but I have adapted these for class.
  • The lyrics for Mariah Carey´s AlI want for Christmas and the song itself
    Here you can find all the activities for my classes at Christmas.


    Start the class off by showing them the first 10 seconds of Mog´s Christmas Calamity (Sainsbury´s Christmas advert clip attached)

    Tell the Students to answer Question 2 and to come up with ideas in groups of how the cat can ruin Christmas. Then play the rest of the video.  You could also search for videos of cats and Christmas Trees to amuse the Students!

    Ask the Students to look at the vocabulary printed on the back of the sheet and ask them if there is anything they don´t understand. Some of the vocabulary is important in the filmand on the worksheet!

    After you have played the video, give the students the little cards and tell them to put them in order. You may need to play the video again.

    After this, get the students to answer the worksheet in their notebooks, up to Q 13. When they have finished, play the other two adverts-Marks and Spencer and Heathrow Airport and ask the Students which is their favourite advert and why.Try to get them to discuss the importance of Christmas and what Christmas is all about. Discuss common themes between the adverts and how they make the Students feel.

    After this, play ´All I want for Christmas is You´ and let the students have a sing along, using the lyrics printed.

    activity-vocab the-thomas-family-are-asleep-and-dreaming-of-different-things

mogs-christmnas-calamity-lesson-instructions mogs-christmas-calamity


mogs-christmas-calamity mogs-christmnas-calamity-lesson-instructions

the-thomas-family-are-asleep-and-dreaming-of-different-things christmas-sheet-for-children

Christmas Card Competition


Horror Activities on Halloween

Los días 2, 3 y 4 de noviembre llevamos a cabo differentes actividades que siguiendo la tradición de la celebración de Halloween, se realizan como animación a la lectura en la biblioteca de nuestro Centro. Como parte del curriculo integrado de las lenguas, los departamentos de Lengua Castellana, Inglés y Francés se unen en esta ocasión en torno al tema del terror. También se suman a esta bonita iniciativa los alumnos de pláatica de Carmen de la Varga con la elaboración de dibujos que contribuyen a la decoración de la biblioteca. En la biblioteca se creó un ambiente fúnebre, en medio del cual, se han realizado sesiones de “lecturas terroríficas” con distintos grupos de alumnos del centro.

Este año hemos querido hacer especial enfasis en la novela Frankenstein que empezó a escribirse durante el verano boreal de 1816, el año sin verano. Ëste año, el hemisferio norte soportó un largo y frío «invierno volcánico» debido a la erupción del volcán Tambora. Durante este terrible año, Mary Shelley y su marido Percy Bysshe Shelley hicieron una visita a su amigo Lord Byron que entonces residía en Villa Diodati, Suiza. Después de leer una antología alemana de historias de fantasmas, Byron retó a los Shelley y a su médico personal John Polidori a componer, cada uno, una historia de terror. De los cuatro, sólo Polidori completó la historia, pero Mary concibió una idea: esa idea fue el germen de la que es considerada la primera historia moderna de ciencia ficción y una excelente novela de terror gótico.

A continuación mostramos una selección de trabajos realizados por los alumnos.

El pase de diapositivas requiere JavaScript.

The European Union



A powerpoint on the basic role of the EU.



Bonfire Night with Ellen

Resources for Bonfire night.

  1. Label pictures on first Powerpoint slide.
  2. Ask the students what they know about Bonfire Night-anything from the tradition to how we celebrate it.
  3. Go over the key vocab, try to explain in English first.
  4. Watch Horrible Histories video.
  5. Get the students to summarise the video, checking they understand the key points. If not explain to them.
  6. Get the students to fill in the answers to the ‘jigsaw’ worksheet.
  7.  Go to the Comprehension page of the powerpoint to give the students the answers, then get them to fill in the other worksheets using this information.
  8. I’ve finished with what I do on bonfire night, but you can use a game from BBC – here’s the link: http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/british/civil_war_revolution/launch_gms_gunpowder_plot.shtml




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