Actividades para la celebración del Día del libro

En colaboración con las actividades  organizadas por la biblioteca para la celebración del Día del libro, el proyecto bilingüe del Centro participa con la conmemoración del 200 aniversario de la creación de la novela Frankenstein de Mary Shelley.

En este marco de lectura, colaboramos con el Departamento de Lengua Castellana (L1) en la realización de la unidad integrada, El placer de leer; que llevamos a la práctica en el tercer trimestre con 4º de ESO.

Participan en la atividad Pepe Díaz Chicano, profesor de 4º ESO bilingüe y Lola Garrido, profesora se 2º Bachillerato bilingüe y coordinadora del proyecto.

Programa general de actividades

Some of the students have worked on presentations. You can see them here:

Gothic Novels 2 The Character of Frankenstein 3 The Monster 4 Context 5 Revenge 7 The Role of Women 8 Book Review

The Animal Kingdom

During the second term, the students in first year ESO bilingual have been working on a project called The Animal Kingdom. The subjects participating in this project were: Geography and History, Biology and Geology, Music, English and French.

The students have synthesised the concepts studied in the unit of «Climates and landscapes» through a series of posters done in groups, they have reflected the most important characteristics of the main climates and different habitats of the world. Each group looked at the following elements: temperatures, rainfall, vegetation, fauna, hydrography and location. The informative texts have been completed with a climate graph, a map, photographs and descriptions of animals to illustrate the most relevant aspects of the landscapes shown and the animals and plants living there.

In addition to reinforcing the content studied in class and the English vocabulary corresponding to it, a series of key skills have been developed, especially group work skills, because they had to work together to achieve their goal and assume personal responsibilities wthin the group. The students had to search, process and elaborate on information from different sources.

As a contribution to the integrated unit, Music has worked on the tale «Peter and the Wolf» by the Russian composer Sergei Prokofiev. It is a musical tale in which each instrument of the orchestra represents a character. As an introduction the students have researched a bit more about the life of the composer and they have read the plot. Once finished, they were prepared to do an audiovisual activity in which they identified each instrument with its corresponding character within the orchestra and classified them according to their timbre qualities.

French has contributed to the unit by adding questions to ask the animals, to ascertain basic characteristics such as habitat.

Here are pictures of the students´ final task.




Sonnet 116 Shakespeare


Powerpoint explaning Sonnet 116. Was used for Valentine´s Day

Plant Photo Contest

As part of the Global Unit for third year during the second school term, we study Getting to Know our City. We include Biology and Geology, Geography and History, Technology and Music and we have chosen Málaga Park to make our students aware of the richness and diversity of the plants in our city. We decided to hold a photograph contest, so the students could have a stroll in the park, see the different plants and choose the one they liked the most. They took a photograph of the plant and submitted it for the contest and had to research the plant on the internet and write a description of it.

There have been many lovely pictures submitted for the contest, and two of them have been selected, the first prize takes into account the quality of the photograph and has been awarded to Saleta Sánchez Ayerbe, and the second photograph is for the work as a whole, including design and content. The second prize has been awarded to Paula Gutiérrez Montiel.

Well done and congratulations to the two winners!


The Life of a Peasant in the Middle Ages


The Second Year Bilingual Students have been studying the Medieval Ages in Europe and each had to make a comic to reinforce what they have been learning.

The comics were written about two different aspects of the Middle Ages. Students had to write a comic which studied either:

  1.  The difficult conditions that the medieval peasants had to endure under their landlord.
  2. Looked at the magnificently luxurious life which the nobles lead, in contrast to that of the peasants.

We made the topic more interesting and accesible for the students by getting them to better their understanding through the use of a visual as well as a written text.


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Excursión 3º ESO A y B por la Ruta del Patrimonio Industrial Huelin

Last monday, march 13th 2017, students of the bilingual groups 3º ESO A y B went along the Industrial heritage of Huelin neighbourhood ROUTE. We started at 9:30 from the Secondary School towards the Railway Station and came back for the last class at about 14:00

Download leaflet with information of the route

At each interest point the students, previously divided in groups, explained the information to the others.




El 8 de marzo, fecha en la que se celebra el Día Internacional de la Mujer, los alumnos participaron en una actividad totalmente realizada en inglés por el grupo de 1º de bachillerato bilingüe, y a la que asistieron los alumnos de 1º de bachillerato A-B (no bilingües) y 3ºA (bilingüe).

Ellen Davies, nuestra auxiliar de conversación, presentó la actividad y habló sobre la importancia de la celebración de este Día Internacional de la Mujer y sobre algunas mujeres relevantes a lo largo de la historia.

A continuación, los alumnos bilingües  de 1º de bachillerato A-B-C-D, expusieron sus presentaciones en las que fueron analizando la evolución del papel de la mujer, desde el pasado hasta hoy,  en distintas áreas de la sociedad  tales como: La mujer y el arte, la mujer y el deporte, la mujer y la literatura, la mujer y la ciencia, la mujer y la política…

El proyecto se ha realizado íntegramente en inglés en la asignatura de Filosofía con su profesor Luis Ávila y coordinado por Lola Garrido, coordinadora del proyecto bilingüe del Centro. Han participado en la actividad Rafael García Palomo, profesor de inglés y Lidia Cruz, como tutora  de 3ºA de ESO.

Enhorabuena a todos los alumnos y a su profesor de filosofía por la participación en un excelente proyecto colaborativo e interdisciplinar.

Ellen´s introduction:


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Agricultural Landscapes

Powerpoint for Geography on Agricultural Landscapes. Plus word document with Case Studies

Agricultural Landscapes

agricultural landscapes

Passive Voice

You can also use this video to help you understand this construction better.

Passive voice

Passive voice

As I promised, I am sending this link where you can find plenty of practice for your exam.

Good luck and go for it!

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