We’re looking for a new Header Image for the IES Huelin – Bilingal website. So we are opening the bilingual “ SEARCHING FOR A BANNERcompetition.

By entering, participants agree to the following rules:

a. The banner competition is addressed to all the student belonging to the bilingual project.

b. The banner should make reference to education and to countries where English is spoken

c. The banner must have following dimensions: 960 × 250 pixels

d. Each participant can send up to two banners. Banners must be submitted to the following e-mail address:

Do not forget to write the full name and school year of the participant on the e-mail sent.

(Accepted formats are: jpg, png, gif, etc.)

e. Deadline. Banners must be submitted no later than February 20th.

f. The jury will be composed by the teachers of the bilingual team

g. There will be two prizes consisting of two gift cards.

h. The decision will be made public on Friday, March 13th, and the prize will be awarded .

i. Winning banners will be published in the IES Huelin – Bilingal web page.

Following Text will be included in the Banner:

IES Huelin – Bilingual

Software suggestions to design the banner: Krita, Inkscape, The Gimp

The bilingual team
Málaga, January 27, 2015

As a guidance, some samples found on the net:

header-huelin-600blog-header4 comenius_header_960x250 cropped-header2 cropped-header2307 header4  Young-Adults-Retreat-Header-Logo.001-960x250

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