Students from the second year of E.S.O. (2º E.S.O. A) have made a Halloween activity in their Technology and English classes. They have built an enchanted town with scary houses and spooky Jack-o’-lanterns. Los alumnos de 2º de E.S.O. A han hecho una actividad en las asignaturas de Tecnología e Inglés que ha consistido en …
Categoría: Works done by students
Works done by students
Mar 24 2022
Collaborative projects in Technology-3rd E.S.O.
Students from the third year of E.S.O. have made some projects in Technology that represent the main economic activities in the eight Andalusian provinces. Los alumnos de 3º de E.S.O. han elaborado proyectos que representan las principales actividades económicas en las ocho provincias de Andalucía. …
Mar 24 2022
Collaborative projects in Technology- 2nd E.S.O.
Dic 21 2020
Our students know well what our roots are. Nuestros alumnos conocen bien nuestros orígenes.
The inhabitants of Malaga and Oviedo, the most satisfied in Spain with their city Trinidad Grund trabajo sobre Málaga (4) trabajo el parque de málaga TRAB HIS – SARA Y ALBA TORRIJOS AND THE OBELISK OF THE PLAZA DE LA MERCED Presentación sobre la Asociación Económica de Amigos del País Presentación bilingüe …
Jul 04 2017
Getting to know our city
Los alumnos de los grupos bilingües de 3º de ESO (A y B) han realizado un proyecto de investigación a través del cual se han acercado a diferentes aspectos del patrimonio de nuestra ciudad: – Patrimonio natural, con el estudio de distintas especies vegetales del Parque de Málaga. – Patrimonio industrial, …
Jun 11 2017
Cake Contest Winners
El pasado 6 de junio se entregaron los diplomas y sus correspondientes premios a los alumnos y alumnas ganadores del concurso de repostería celebrado el 29 de mayo. Se concedió el primer premio al grupo de alumnas de 2º de ESO C formado por: Aida García Concejero, Carmen Alonso Jiménez, Elena Ortega Asensio, Olivia Berjillo …
Abr 21 2017
Actividades para la celebración del Día del libro
En colaboración con las actividades organizadas por la biblioteca para la celebración del Día del libro, el proyecto bilingüe del Centro participa con la conmemoración del 200 aniversario de la creación de la novela Frankenstein de Mary Shelley. En este marco de lectura, colaboramos con el Departamento de Lengua Castellana (L1) en la realización de …
Abr 05 2017
The Animal Kingdom
During the second term, the students in first year ESO bilingual have been working on a project called The Animal Kingdom. The subjects participating in this project were: Geography and History, Biology and Geology, Music, English and French. The students have synthesised the concepts studied in the unit of «Climates and landscapes» through a series of posters done in …
Mar 22 2017
Plant Photo Contest
As part of the Global Unit for third year during the second school term, we study Getting to Know our City. We include Biology and Geology, Geography and History, Technology and Music and we have chosen Málaga Park to make our students aware of the richness and diversity of the plants in our city. We …
Mar 20 2017
The Life of a Peasant in the Middle Ages
The Second Year Bilingual Students have been studying the Medieval Ages in Europe and each had to make a comic to reinforce what they have been learning. The comics were written about two different aspects of the Middle Ages. Students had to write a comic which studied either: The difficult conditions that the medieval …